We use question words when we want to find out information.
The most common question words are:
what for things why for reasons where for places when for times who for people
whose for possession (Whose phone is this? It is Ryan's phone.)
how often for frequency (sometimes, always, never) how far for distance
how long for time (an hour, 30 minutes) how old for age
how much for the number of uncountable nouns (How much fruit do you eat each day?)
how many for the number of countable nouns (How many vegetable do you eat every day?)
how much for the price of countable and uncountable nouns (How much is this laptop?)
how for solving a problem (How do you spell that? How do you say that in English? How do you make kabsa?)
Here is a game you can try. Click on the correct question word:
Here are some activities:
1. https://elt.oup.com/student/headway/elementary/a_grammar/unit04/hwy_elem_unit04_2?cc=gb&selLanguage=en
2. https://elt.oup.com/student/headway/elementary/a_grammar/unit04/hwy_elem_unit04_3?cc=gb&selLanguage=en