Friday 27 September 2013

Essay Homework

Here are the slides from the lesson. They will help you to complete the writing homework.

First of all, look at this slide. You will write about past experiences, so you need to use both the present perfect and the past simple. What is the difference between the two? There are answers on the blog, but can you complete these sentences using the verbs (sometimes you will need a negative sentence):
Click "read more" to look at the answers:

1.  I visited the Trafford Centre yesterday.
2.  I haven't tried fish and chips yet.
3.  It rained a lot at the weekend.
4.  There has been a lot of heavy rain this week. (It is still "this week", so a present perfect is best.)
5.  The hasn't been much bright sunshine today.
6.  I have made lots of new friends. (You could say, "I made lots of new friends", but it sounds strange if you don't say when: "I made lots of new friends when I came to Manchester.)

This is the task I want you to complete:

Here is some help and a structure for you to follow:
Good luck!!


  1. Really! I've benefited a lot of this page.

  2. Nice homework :)))
